You've Been asking and wanting a sign to have the right man of God at your church. Here is your sign! Reverend Rich L. Kemp is available.When asked about International Bahamian Minister, Reverend Rich L. Kemp, host pastors said the following: "Rich L. Kemp is a Warm positive, powerful, passionate, and compassionated teacher, preacher, and minister of the gospel. He is highly anointed, gifted, distinguished, kind, and Respected Man of God. All of his teachings and preaching presentations are rich, refreshing, reviving, and rewarding. Our congregations were left informing and transforming. Through Reverend Rich L.Kemp's positive, power-filled, practical, and provocative Gospel truth-teaching presentations congregations are informed and are transformed by the renewing of their minds. They are empowered to discover and recover their unlimited possibilities, their limitless potentials, and their infinite power to be like Christ, to do the work of the ministry, and to have power for successful, and victorious living. With his dynamic and enigmatic personality, Reverend Rich L. Kemp teaching and preaching transcends all nations and crosses all cultures, creeds, colors, tastes, races, and faces." Reverend Rich L. Kemp is now available as Keynote Speaker at your next conference, a presenter for your workshop, seminar, Sunday speaking, Anniversary, Men's/Women Fellowship, or Revival. As a media personality, Reverend Rich L. Kemp has served as radio/television host and producer, Senior Pastor, Conference Speaker, Seminar / Workshop Teacher, Life Coach, Spiritual Strategist, and Minister to many from all walks of life. Reverend Kemp is also open to serving as Senior Pastor at a Full Gospel, or a Non-denomination Church in Florida. To Check for Reverend Rich L. Kemp's speaking Availability: T. 702-577-6777 / E. (Posted 10/11/2022) - Ad #894
Hello, I am Hal Nichols. I have been a Pastor, missionary and director of a homeless shelter for over 20 years. I have a huge burden for lost souls and to wake up the churches (Revelation 3). I believe with all my heart we are in those days spoken in Rev. 3. I have been praying that God would open doors for me to share my passion with all who will hear near and far. Whether it is through revival, prophecy conference, or pulpit supply I hope to meet and to share God's word in a powerful way. I hope you will at least give me the opportunity to speak with Your fellowship. the time has come for all who call on the name of the LORD come together to prepare for that day approaching. you can reach me at: I am not afraid to travel: God is worth every mile. I am a graduate of Tabernacle Bible College in Greenville SC in 1990 and a also of Freedom bible college in 2000. (Posted 01/15/2022) - Ad #830
Hello, My Name is John Seraichyk (Sir-ray-check) - God has given me a beautiful gift to share the love and the light of Christ Jesus our Lord. Traditional means of evangelism is not working. Handing out bible tracts and coordinating planned outreaches as a means of sharing your faith is temporary and intermittent at best. God has given me a revelation on how to share the gospel as a part of your everyday life. You don't have to do evangelism or have the gift of evangelism. You only have to know and understand your true identity in Christ Jesus and begin with baby steps. I will visit your church and start by sharing a profound message on what Jesus commands in Matthew 28:17-20. From there, I will leave you with some specific things your church can start doing right now to share the gospel. You will be amazed at what this will do for your church's growth by way of revived hearts for fulfilling Christ's final mandate of the great commission. (Posted 01/01/2022) - Ad #828
"Often compared to Leonard Ravenhill or David Wilkerson, Damon Albert brings an evangelist heart combined with the straight fire of God. Damon is deeply burdened to see the lost saved and the lukewarm church set ablaze for Jesus. -Pastor Nelson Houston Texas. Damon Alberts ability to reach the lost and challenge the cultural Christian is reminiscent of Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards and other preachers of old. Damon is truly a man out of time -Pastor Smith Washington DC. We have never experienced such a genuine move of the Spirit of God as we did during a series of meetings Damon preached at our church. Over the course of several days we saw open repentance and a resurgence of corporate prayer following the Preaching of the Word. We experienced lost souls being saved and many lukewarm Christians awakened and set on fire for Jesus. If your Church needs and has been expecting a move of God, I would highly recommend Damon is the best choice to deliver the heart of God to your congregation or city. -Apostle CW New Orleans LA..Any church would be blessed to have Damon and his team minister, he had a huge impact and his message was exactly what our church needed -Pastor Roemer First Baptist Church Cokato Minnesota.Check out more about Damon at (Posted 12/27/2021) - Ad #826
I travel the US and and only preach and teach the true gospel, not denominational traditions or men's philosophies. Although I was Ordained by a ten member board, I was called by God and have been led by the Holy Spirit. Please contact me if your church is available and open to hearing the true gospel. I have preached in CT, NJ, NC, MI, and filled-in for a pastor on a mission trip to Brazil. I preach from the KJV and am not the type that will tickle your ears, nor do I try to scare anyone out of hell. I am the author of two published Christian books and am working on a third. I leave the compensation up to the church as they see fit. (Posted 09/22/2021) - Ad #811